Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sweet Girl Saturday

We had a wonderful weekend with family. It started out with Grandad & DD coming in Thursday. They came down to do a late Christmas and watch the BCS National Championship with us. We had a nice time and woooooohooooo, GO GATORS! That game was so stressful and I still don't think it has sunk in that we are national champions AGAIN!!

Avery has been sick lately and not herself. There is something special about a day with Avery when she is a sweet girl and Saturday we were lucky enough to get the "Sweet Girl Avery". She is normally a very intense girl and when she is ill, it is very hard for us all. She has recovered from the strep and finally the new round of antibiotics seem to have worked this time. Saturday was a day where she didn't seem to do as much wining or complaining and overall she was happy and cheerful - MUSIC TO A MOMMY'S (and Daddy's) ears. Saturday was also one of the most beautiful days we have had in awhile - low humidity, not a cloud in the sky, and still a bit of a crispness to the evening. We made a fire pit out back and grilled dinner on the fire and had a few friends over. There is something so relaxing about a fire.

We also got a new kitty! When we went on a walk Saturday morning around the neighborhood we bumped into a neighbor that told us about another neighbor that had a stray kitty show up and they were looking for a home it. Well, since we recently lost of sweet outdoor kitty Cole, we have been looking to replace him and this just seemed to be perfect. The lady brought him up Saturday and he seemed to like us and hung out with us by the fire. I saw him about midnight and he was on the back porch. This morning when we got up, he was no where to be found. We searched the yard and nothing. We even walked all over downtown looking for a black/white kitty - we saw about 4, but none were him (or her, we are not sure yet). When I got home we had a message. It was the lady that gave us the cat. He was back at their place (at least 6 blocks away) waiting to be fed on their back porch. So, Avery and I headed down with the wagon and the cat carrier and picked him back up. As of now, he is still on the back porch and I hope since it is raining he will not wander back tonight. We'll see. I think I have become a little attached to him. :)

Avery in the side yard. We were looking for New Kitty and I took my camera since the sunlight was nice. She looks so serious here.

And this is the forced smile. Still cute in my opinion.

Avery sitting on Daddy's leg while he tends to some plant.

New Kitty Close Up

New Kitty checking out the yard