Monday, September 29, 2008

About a month ago....

Scott went out of town for a bachelor party and my friend invited us (well, we kind of invited ourselves) to come up for Auburn's season opener. We had been trying to figure out a good time to get together and that seemed like a perfect time. My first college football game was at Auburn and I thought it would be kind of neat for Avery's first game to be there as well.
Avery LOVED the band and the whole football experience. Thank you guys so much for having us. We really did enjoy ourselves.

Enjoying the football game - she loved the band and cried when they left the field.


Look at her shaking the shaker!!! That is my hand trying to protect the guy in front of us.

I can't remember what she was laughing about here - but she was enjoying a happy moment.

Goooooo Auburn!

The girls took a nap before the game. I had to wake Avery up.

Posing on the golf cart.

Avery and Anna Kate dancing in the living room before heading to Auburn.

Avery LOVED the Snow White costume (*hint, hint* Santa)