Monday, September 29, 2008

Avery's First Gator Game

We had the opportunity to take Avery to her first Gator game this past weekend. We thought Ole Miss would be an easy one. OOOPS. Overall Avery had a nice day. She was a little bored during the game, so she managed to rub Scott's chapstick all over her body. Right at the end of the game, she had to go to the bathroom, so I got to hear us lose in the final seconds outside her stall. Crappy loss.

Here she is enjoying her tailgaiting meal.

If you click on this picture, you can actually see the blocked extra point, that was the ultimate result of our loss.

Walking to the stadium.

On Daddy's Shoulders

Florida Field

I never remembered seeing a comma before today. Some people will find this picture amusing, while others will wonder what the heck I am talking about. Yes, I used to think this sign read, Work 'em, silly Gators.

Alltel Chad doing the Gator Chomp. We actually saw him earlier in the morning. He walked right past us.


Leif Laif Life said...

Oh, Lawd, that Silly Gators thing makes me larf and larf and larf. What a Springism! :)