Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hello! Well, that took a little longer than I expected. I got wrapped up in a book series and I am slowly trying to come back to reality. Here are the pics from her birthday and a few from the night before. I seriously have about 6 months worth of great stories and pictures to blog about. Hopefully I will be able to spend more evening time blogging this next week. In the meantime enjoy.....

These are not in the order of the day, sorry!

Our little girl is FOUR!

Birthday Cake

Eating birthday dinner at Satchel's

Her birthday present from Mommy & Daddy. She loves it so much. She can now control her songs and that makes everyone happier.

Birthday wishes on the phone

Her birthday shirt

Presents! And the story board we took for her birthday celebration at school

School party outside

Healthy birthday muffins - zucchini muffins with cream cheese icing

Avery looking at Ms. Christina during the birthday walk around the sun

Daddy is telling the class what was significant about one of her years (the entire class was looking at him)

The night before we worked on her 'one hundred project'. 2/3/09 was the 100th day of school and all the kids brought in their 100 prjects. Avery did 100 stickers on a long piece of calculator tape.

This is some of her class work that came home in her folder. I opened it up and it made me laugh. I actually still laugh everytime I look at it. :)


Leif Laif Life said...

Oh, I love it! I love all the montessoriness - walking around the sun, the presents (is that a child-sized broom and shovel?) oh - how dreamy! :) Looks like fun!

2p said...

I so wish Sean could go to a Montessori school. What a great place for Avery. She colors really well!

Caryn said...

I'm impressed at the distinct likeness of Barack Obama! I think that should replace the official portrait myself. I laugh when I see it too! She's amazing at coloring by the way, she puts Izzy to shame! (Who can finally, by the way, make a shape that actually resembles a heart--it's been a "circle heart with line down the middle" for like two years!)