Sunday, June 27, 2010

June - Swim Lessons and Gymnastics

We started doing lessons in early June. Around the 3rd swim lesson something in Avery just clicked and she lost some of her fears and started going under and swimming to the side of the pool all on her own. We have had 2 different instructors and both are excellent in different ways. Our latest instructor pushes her pretty hard, which I think is really working for her. We've also decided to join a pool this summer to get as much exposure as we can in the water. I am trying to get her to the pool 2-3 times a week. It seems like we are out until 9 every night, but I guess that's summer...

With her first instructor, Coach Sy. We really liked him, but he was enlisting and moving out of state.

Here she is with Ms. Jen - Jen is making her work hard. She tries to distract her, but Jen is on to that game.


This one cracks me up. How hard is she trying not to put her face in the water?

Avery trying to distract Jen with looking for bugs in the pool.

The end to a great lesson.

Gymnastics twice a week with Ms. Tammy. Avery surprised me and LOVES gymnastics. She asks me almost every day if it's gymnastics day.

At her first lesson doing a rollover.