Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Silly Putty Recipe


What you will need:
1 cup white glue
Various food colors (if you make multiple batches)
1/2 cup to 1 cup liquid (not spray) laundry starch (I could only find a big bottle of it at Wal-Mart).

What to do:
Measure 1 cup of white glue and pour into stain proof mixing bowl.
Drop in food coloring until you get desired color.
Mix well.
Measure 1 cup of liquid starch, slowly pour a little at a time into glue/coloring mixture and scrape down the sides of the bowl. Stir thoroughly. (You may not need to use all the liquid starch.) Let rest 5 minutes. Knead it with your hands, until it comes together. It will be like spaghetti, don't worry keeping folding it and kneading it in your hands. Just when you think it is ruined, it suddenly turns into a wonderful long-stranded glob!
If it seems sticky onces it is formed into the blob add more liquid starch until it goes back to a rubbery consistancy. It shouldn't be sticky if you use enough liquid starch.

Store in an air tight container. Enjoy cutting, stretching and molding.