Monday, January 4, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy 2010!

It's been awhile and a lot has happened. Too much to blog about, but we have been super busy (as Avery would say). The holiday "break" started back on December 18th. Avery had her Winter Program at school that morning. She did a really great job singing all the songs. She takes it so seriously - it's quite comical. Afterwards we had lunch with Nanny (Scott's mom) and Nanny took Avery for the night so we could enjoy our company holiday party. What a crazy fun night we had! It's a good thing it only happens once a year! Unfortunately, work was more demanding than I thought it would be that week, so thankfully Nanny was able to help us out again.

The week after Christmas Grandad and DD came to visit (I don't have ANY pictures?!). We had a great visit with them. Hopefully DD will send some pictures from her camera.

We have spent most of the last week hanging around the house doing little projects. On NYE we were in bed by 9PM (besides waking up all night from the fireworks). The next day, we took our annual traditional trip to Cross Creek to eat dinner at The Yearling Restaurant and listen to Willie Green play the blues. We tried to stay up and watch the Gators tromp over Cincy, but we had to get to bed somewhat early because we had a big day planned at Dinsey on the 2nd. We did a 7am-7pm full day at 2 parks. We spent the morning at Hollywood Studios and then headed over to Epcot for a late lunch and a few hours at the park. Avery had been asking to get her face painted, so when we found a place she was excited. Without hesitation she chose the kitty princess option. I thought for sure it would be sleeping beauty, but nope, she was set of the kitty princess. The weather was very chilly that day, but we wore lots of layers and hung out in the sun as much as we could when we were outside. What a great day for us all!

The Kitty Princess at Epcot :-) We are waiting for our table at England - mmmmmm Shepherd's Pie.

Here is part of the class during the Winter Program with her school. Avery is in the middle row fourth from the left.

Christmas Eve

Santa's Key to get in the front door - we thought we'd spare him the trouble of having to figure out which chimney to come down - not to mention, our chimney's are kind of old.

Avery puts the key on the door for Santa

Looking for Santa one last time before heading to bed.

Mommy Juice on Christmas Eve

Santa ate the cookies and the reindeer at the carrots!

He left presents under the tree too!

Stockings - Tinkerbell bubble bath

She got a purple guitar

Mommy got a gift from Edward (Twilight).

Riding her new bike

And scooter

We thought the bike/scooter weres her favorite presents until she received the Cool School program.


2p said...

what is the Edward money for? Love all the pictures...Avery is growing up too fast.

Avery + Mommy & Daddy said...

The Edward gift certificate is for Barnes and Noble. (from Scott, he was being creative).