Monday, August 4, 2008

Oonie's House

A few weeks ago Avery and I took a trip together to visit my mom. We both a great time and enjoyed the cooler temperatures and the more relaxed atmosphere. I got to spend a lot of time with my camera and all kinds of neat subjects.

A bee on a sunflower in Mom's garden

Morning Glory flower

Zinnia close to blooming

Avery riding in the wagon, waiting for the lightening bugs to come out.

On the porch getting ready to help water plants

Oonie and Avery off the road overlooking the beautiful GA scenery

Avery by the barn.

Playing with rocks in the wagon while mom packs up the car

On a hike in the woods

Splashing in the pool


2p said...

Oh, Springie, you're really getting to be a good photographer! Avery looks so beautiful.