Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Weekend Update

Our first week of school was short and sweet. Tropical storm Fay came in Thursday and Friday and closed the schools down. Overall Avery seemed to be in a nice mood when I picked her up. I do think she is very tired since they don't take naps in this class. That is an adjustment for her (and us) but even at her old school (towards the end) she would rarely get a nap.

I had called her teacher last Wednesday to see how she was doing her first week of school, but I don't think she got the message until Monday because I didn't hear back from her until Monday afternoon. She told me Avery was transitioning VERY well to the practical life schedule of her new classroom. That made me feel so good. I thought she would do well in the Montessori class, but I just needed a little positive confirmation that we made the right decision.

However, Avery's behavior over those 4 days was equivalent to the storm; rougher at times, but overall a constant battering. :) I am not sure if it was a lack of sleep or the fact that she was off schedule by going into work with me, but it was stressful.

I have also been down in the dumps lately - I'm not sure if it's been the weather or the fact that I haven't been exercising, but I have been so unmotivated over the last few weeks. I wouldn't call it depressed, just an overall case of the 'blahs'. Hopefully that will go away soon!

Well, here are a few pictures from the weekend...

These are our banana plants blowing in the wind.

Avery is helping to clean up the yard after the storm came though.

Sunday Evening on the front porch.

Sunday evening in the kitchen.

More front porch photo time.

Does this look like a beaver face to anyone else but me?


Caryn said...

I happen to be an expert in beaver faces, (ask Laurbs sometime) and THAT is a beaver face if I ever saw one. Luckily, the ones before that were of just plain beautiful Avery Raine. She is so pretty, with that little light of spunk in her eye. Glad she's adjusting well to school! Sounds like a good choice to me!

2p said...

Springie, we haven't gotten to sass talk yet with Sean, but the whining is terrible! This morning, it was nonstop for over an hour. I can't take it much longer.....

Caryn said...

Um, bloggage, please?