Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We've had a wonderful day. Everyone (but me) was sleeping by 8PM tonight. Avery missed her nap today and Scott, well he is always tired. Poor guy is cursed with not being able to sleep in, so he HAS to go to bed early.

After 10 hours of sleep last night (finally!) we got up around 6:30 and starting making the cheese rounds and squash casserole. Even after quadroupling the SQ recipe, cooking the cheese rounds and getting ready, we were able to get out of the house by 10:00. :)

We got over to Cedar Key and hung out with the family and got everything ready to eat. Caryn and Shawn's house is looking so nice. They're just about done with the addition.

We stuffed ourselves with some pretty tasty food and afterwards headed down to a new boardwalk and walked around the marshy areas. The lighting was nice, so I snapped a few pics (below).

Like a crazy woman, I'm contemplating going shopping tomorrow. I need to get another tree for the family room. I had planned to get a real tree, but now that I have these fake trees, I'm in love. I can't believe I waited this long. I want to do those big old-fashioned bulbs on the family room tree, just with our ornaments that we have collected over the years. No color or ornament theme - just a plain old tree.

I plan to share the house decorating pictures this weekend. We should be able to make some progress tomorrow.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.

Swinging on the porch swing

Turkey bow!

These girls were so sweet together - lots of hugs. :)

Scott found a fiddler crab and of course had to pick him up. Avery didn't like him much.


2p said...

Avery's hair is so curly in the back! Is it the same color as SP's? I can't tell.

Avery + Mommy & Daddy said...

It curls more when the weather is humid. I think they're just baby curls 'cause the top is straight. I bet when I cut it, those curls will come out. :( As for the color, I think no it is a little more blonde than SP, but I think Avery will get darker and darker, kind of like I did.

Leif Laif Life said...

Dangs, Spreengs! Youz really be gettin goods with that camera o' yours! sheezy-peezy! (and you'er makin me all kinds of envious in the process because my camera lately has been taking up to 60 seconds to focus!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Spring-
Love the pictures of Avery but tell Scott to man the camera every now and then so we can see your smiling face :-)