Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Within the last few weeks Avery has decided to start calling me Mom. I used to be Mommy, but not anymore. At first I corrected her (in a positive way), but now I can see that she has decided to give me a nickname, much like me calling her Ave (which I don't usually in person). She repeats my name (Mom) several times when she is trying to tell me something. Kind of like, "where'd Daddy go, Mom?" or "Mom, I can't do it." which is BTW her new favorite saying. I was told this was a phase. I sure am hoping so.

We are hopefully going to attempt a FAMILY Cmas card photo this weekend. We're going to try to take something on the front porch. Wish us luck. If not, then it will be plan B, but we currently don't have a plan B.

I can see this holiday season will be flying by quickly this year. It's already quickly approaching Thanksgiving. What the heck? Speaking of Thanksgiving, we are planning to go to Caryn (Scott's sister) & Shawn's this year over in Cedar Key. We haven't seen their house in a long time and it will be nice to get together with the family again. With our busy lives, we just don't see each other like we used to. It should be an exciting day. I wonder who all will be coming this year? I'm going to attempt to make this great squash casserole recipe I found on the web last year. It was a winner.

This weekend is the Gainesville Fall Festival (I can't remember the official name of it) and I think we are going to take a break from the Christmas decoration planning to take a stroll up the street and check it out.

We got a call today from Santa! He wanted to know if it would be ok if he put Avery's picture on his website. We didn't mind. His website is http://santaclaus25.com/
You can see Avery in the GALLERY. There are two pictures of her from 2005, when she was 10 months old. Of course Santa wasn't too happy with the 2006 pictures, since Avery was completely terrified of him. We are all hoping that Avery will LOVE Santa this year. We've been talking a lot about it this week. The photo shoot will be 11/27.

No pictures today. I'm going to try to put up a few recent favorites tomorrow.

Good night!