Monday, November 5, 2007

More Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from the weekend.
Sunday Evening we went to the park and then to the Thomas Center and played a little.
We also went on a chilly morning bike ride on the Hawthorne Trail and played around in the yard before going out for breakfast (The Jones Eastside has a great breakfast BTW).

Here she is smelling the tea olive. She says, "Mmmm, Mom, it smells good'.

This is Avery trying to keep her pants up. I wish I had this problem!!


2p said...

Yeah for the Avery Blog! 'Bout dang time, if I do say so myself. I hear ya about two-year-olds and the happy screaming dichotomy that we have to deal with. I need to learn some new tools to deal with it properly so I don't get blazin' mad every day. Ya know what I mean?