Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Music Month

I have been home sick this week with some nasty virus. It wasn't just a cold and not as bad as a flu, but it still knocked me out for 3 days. This evening I am starting to feel a bit better - thank goodness!

Since I have been sick, Scott has been helping with the dropping off and picking up Avery from school. Yesterday when they got home from school there was a note for me from her teacher asking me to stop in and see her Tuesday morning. I managed to get up this morning and take her in so I could see what was going on. Of course I immediately think of the worst, like maybe she is tooting on kids at school or using excessive 'potty talk' or something possibly worse! I go into the classroom and Ms. Christina tells me that this month they are working on a musical instrument unit and each week they discuss a different musical instrument family. This week they started discuss the string family. During line time Ms. Christina showed them a cello and asked the kids if they new what was different from the cello than from the guitar. Avery raised her hand (which I get the impression she rarely does this) and she told her the difference was that the cello has a longer neck. Ms. Christina was shocked that Avery knew this and proceeded to have Avery come up in front of the class to show everyone where the neck was and show them the difference - which she did! Ms. Christina asked me if we went over this with Avery and I said no, but that she has been telling us about the neck for quite sometime now with her princess guitar and we just assumed it was something she learned in school. She didn't think so. So where did Avery learn this? Scott said he didn't tell her. Then it dawned on me after several hours of thought----it must be the Little Einstens that she loves so much. See, there is a little something good with the Disney channel, huh? ;-) So, Ms. Christina tells me she asked Avery is anyone in her family plays an instrument and she told her that her mommy plays the violin!!!!!
?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What?!??!?!?!? Anyone that knows me knows I do not play any instruments and especially NOT the violin. She also told Ms. Christina that her daddy has a guitar. Ms. Christina asked if Scott would come in to play the guitar this week for the class. LOL! Scott is frantically trying to find someone else to come in and play for the class. Heehee!

Tonight Avery begged daddy to get out his guitar, so she could play.