Thursday, March 26, 2009


Last Sunday we got up real early and headed over to Jax to visit the zoo. Scott wanted me to drive because he needed to do some work, so I was driving on 1-10 when I saw a State Trooper pulling out of the median. I got that sinking feeling in my stomach and looked at my speed. It was 72, but I was distracted with Scott being on the phone and Avery complaining about the iPod, but I was pretty sure the speed limit was 70. I get in the right lane and so does he - SHOOT - he is after ME! How irritating! He came up to the truck and was super nice. He asked where we were going and when we told him he went into this whole spiel about the zoo and all these neat things about it. All I kept thinking was "ok Mr. am I getting a ticket or not"?! He takes my info and goes back to his vehicle.....we wait.....and Avery starts asking us if we are getting our zoo tickets now, etc. He comes back up to the truck and says, "I'm giving you a warning, just slow down and enjoy your day at the zoo". Apparently the speed limit had just changed to 55 and I missed it. PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We get to the Zoo a little after 9AM and it is wonderful. There were barely any people in there at that time and we could just walk and see whatever we wanted. They were just letting some of the animals out, so many of them were feisty. Especially these caged monkeys. They were SO LOUD! Scott was trying to talk on a business call and he had screaming monkeys in the background (made me laugh). :-)

We left the zoo around 1PM and the line was so long. It was great that we got there so early, I think that made a huge difference in our enjoyment. We will definately make a repeat trip sometime in the future. After the zoo we went down to St. Augustine to a plant shop for Scott to replace a few plants that had died and then headed home, but first we stopped at our favorite veggie stand in Hastings - the County Line - if you ever go that way - you've gotta stop - great fresh veggies!!!

Just getting to the zoo - styling in her Dora glasses

Photo Op Carousel

The real Carousel -she loved it!!!

She is checking out the kangaroos here. She had just studied about Australia animals in February, so she was telling us about them.

In the parakeet feeding room.

We found this great kids play area - here she is in the 'nest'. She thought it was funny until she couldn't get out.

Her expression after her first time down the slide.

The kids slide

These guys were HILARIOUS. Avery kept asking about their extra genitalia and claiming it was ''scusting' over and over. At one point she yells out, "hey, monkeys have penis' too". OMG.

These were the loud guys I was referring to earlier. "WOOOOOOP - WOOOOOOP - WOOOOOOP"

This bird was so cool! He was right next to me almost like he was trying to pose for my camera.

Giraffes are so cool! What was even cooler is that TWI did the rockwork at that exhibit. It was my first time seeing the rockwork - pretty cool!

Petting the goats
Feeding the parakeets


Amy Lynn said...

We hit "County Line" every time we travel to the ILs. They have spicy Datil pepper peanuts that Sam HAS to get every time we drive by!
I will have to check out your stonework next time we make it to the zoo.