Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend in review

Let's see - this must have been the fastest weekend of all time. How can one little hour make the weekend seem so short?

This weekend was all about relaxation, wine, sunshine, beautiful weather, Avery, yardwork, sushi, good friends, psychic reading, watching a tear jerker movie, thinking of friends going through difficult times, back porch goodness, Sweetwater coffee, camelia trip to Melrose, banana bread, books, puzzles, sleeping in until 7:47 Saturday AM, good music and an overall appreciation of life itself and all those that are a part of it.

Here she is doing art Saturday AM

This was the beginning of "Spider Party"

Sunday AM in the yard

Art concentration

Blowing Bubbles

Taking Pictures

Those lips!

Sunday Evening Sunshine

Can she be any more precious?


Leif Laif Life said...

Wow - sounds like a great weekend! Love the pictures - the concentration one makes me laugh!