Monday, March 9, 2009

Sick Baby Girl

I thought she was doing so much better throughout the weekend, but last night the cough took a turn for the worse.
She is still sick. We had a rough night last night. She was coughing a lot. When I went downstairs to check on her she was laying on her rug on the floor. She told me she was sick. I gave her some Delysum and when I felt her she was burning up. Poor baby. The fever was back after 48 hours. Looks like a secondary infection to me. I hope it's not the chest or her ears (but it probably is one of the two).

We will go this morning and then I have to take her into work with me.

I will be happy when this sick season is over!!!!!!

I wonder why Scott never gets our sicknesses?!

Anyway, Happy Monday!

*UPDATE* She is just still sick. :-( This is going to make for an interesting work week...